Monday, February 23, 2009

The Oscars

The Oscars, The Academy Awards, whatever, blah, blah, blah. I type this because that is how I feel. Kudos's to you out there that love this award show. I could care 'zero'. Because of one simple reason. I don't watch those movies!

I didn't mean I don't watch movies, because I do, just not those! Let's see in the last month, we saw 'Hotel for Dogs' , 'Mall Cop' and 'Bed Time Stories'. All great movies in my opinion.

Okay, now let's see what was up for best picture:
Slumdog Millionaire: Never heard of it, until the Golden Globes... I can only assume, a person in the slums becomes a millionaire.

Sean Penn Milk Movie: What??? Something about a gay rights activist politician or something, Didn't not see this because of the homosexuality, (Personally liked 'I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry'), saw it because it sounded boring.

Benjamin Button: Of all the movies, I could have possibly gone to see this, until someone told me it lasted about 3 hours. SNORE!

The Reader: Still have never heard of it. I just read this on the Oscar list nominee sheet.

Frost/Nixon: Don't do president movies.

So there, I heard of one and didn't see it! So what is all the hype about? You mean to tell me of all the 100's of movies that came out in 2008, this was the top? These were the ones that repeated in most of the categories?

Then lets talk about the actors. Mickey Rourke's movie. Okay, this guy creeps me out just looking at him walk the red carpet. Why would I go see a movie about him? Then Meryl Streep in 'Doubt'. Creepy movie there... She couldn't have gotten a nod for 'Mama Mia"? (Okay, that did sound ridiculous...LOL) Melissa Leo in 'Frozen Water', never heard of her or that movie? That must be at the Studio on the Square.

So the show was on in the background last night when I was reading. Charles was watching it. I thought, okay let me watch for a second and see what is going on. Then I saw Hugh Jackman prance across the stage singing 'Putting on a Top Hat'. Come on, Really? A Top Hat? I went straight to bed!

So, to all my friends out there who enjoyed the Oscars, Whoo Hoo to you! I hope you enjoyed them, just don't chat with me about 'em. Let me know when they nominate Kung Fu Panda.

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