Saturday, February 7, 2009

FaceBook or CrackBook

Yes, I have finally gotten on Facebook. Now I know why some people call it crackbook. It is very addictive. I sat down yesterday morning at 8:00 and just signed in. I had so many people ask me to get on facebook so I broke down. Then I logged in and within minutes had friends. How cool is that? Then all of a sudden in the bottom right corner a class mate from high school popped up and facebook asked if I wanted to be her friend. I couldn't believe it. How creepy is that? How do they know that I know her???? Well, I know... but I mean really!!! Anywho, before I knew it, it was 9:30 and I was going to be late for work. Now it is 24 hours later and I think about it when I was showering, when I was cooking dinner, when I logged into my laptop. So sure enough this morning, I had a few more friends. Now I have a dilema, I've had a couple of people ask to be my friend, but I don't know who they are... Do I accept them or not? hhhhm


  1. Choose wisely, my friend, choose wisely. There are some you should DEFINITELY ignore, if you know what I mean!!! I like your blog!!! I have one too!

  2. It is very tricky! I love your blog. I bet, I should go and tell you there...patty
