Monday, February 9, 2009

Confessions of a Hypochondriac

Yes, it is true. I am a hypochondriac. I am George on Seinfield. I am the one pressing the mole on my neck (Christmas Vacation) wondering if it is getting redder. I am the one sitting in the waiting room and looking around at all the people that truly look deathly ill and thinking to myself, if they only knew that even though I look healthy, I am ravished on the inside.

Well, I just came home from the ear, nose and throat specialist and found out I do NOT have throat cancer, or tongue cancer or ear lobe cancer, etc. I thought I did, really! I have had this feeling of having something in my throat and I knew for sure I would be having an MRI today in that closed up capsule thing and I would be referred on to an oncologist. Nothing! (Apparantly, I have acid reflux)

About six months ago, I was kissing my daughter to sleep and noticed she had a mole come up on her chin. It looked raised. Not like the gross evil witch of the west with a hair coming out, but a small black raised up mole. That is it, I thought, I've done it. Not enough sunscreen was used over the summer and I have allowed my daughter to get skin cancer. So needless to say, we rushed to the doctor and I believe he belittled me! Something about the ABC's of skin cancer. I'm not 100% because I quit listening and started thinking about getting a referral for a skin doctor. Luckily, I dragged my husband along and he laughed at me all the way to the car.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't wish I had a terrible disease. I'm not trying to make up anything. I have valid concerns. Maybe it was because I was raised in a day and age when you didn't go see the doctor for every fartin' thing. I remember stepping on a rusty nail with bare feet when I was about 8 and it came up through my foot. My mom washed it and put a big fat band-aid on it. No doctor visit. No tetanus shot. No ointment. If that were to happen today, I would have myself air-lifted to the Med.

So, as life progresses, I pray that Cigna will still cover us and allow my hypochondriac-ism to flourish. That reminds me, I think I might call my primary care and get a Tetanus shot!


  1. Girl, you are hilarious!!! You crack me up~I'm laughing as I write this!!! Oh, I added your blog to my blog's blog list. Did that make sense??? I hope it's ok with you, I enjoy reading what crazy stuff you write!!! Lots of love...oh, and I passed you a little while ago. Tried to wave but you were concentrating on the road!

  2. I was still mesmorized by the doctor verdict!

  3. I am laughing out LOUD! Girl, you need to write a book - you are cracking me up! You could be a famous author - and I could say I knew her when!
