Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Old Friends

Today I had lunch with some old friends. I don't mean they are 'old' (well they are older than me, but who's counting) I just mean they are friends that I have had a long time. I used to work with these folks and chatting with them brought back a lot of good memories. In seeing them, it reminded me that these folks were with me when I was single, when I was engaged, during my whole "I'm getting married phase" and the entire "I'm pregnant phase". God love them all! They partied with me and threw me showers. Even though we worked for the same department, they were and still truly are my friends. Our lunch was only about an hour long but I soaked them in enough to get the 'warm and fuzzies'.

I also "IM'ed" a friend that moved to Nashville last night (via FB, of course). That too gave me the warm and fuzzies. She was my 'best broad' at my wedding and chatting with her felt like old times. We did the usual, "can you believe our girls are that big?" and "oh, my gosh, can you believe we did that?"

Why don't we keep these friends closer in our lives? Why does it take 6 months to go by before we meet up again for lunch? Why did it take FaceBook for me to connect with my matron of honor? At least I have the comfort of knowing that WE ALL DO IT! Everyone I mention this to, says, "yeah, I'm the same way".

Well, I would end this blog by saying, "let's get out there and hook up with old friends", but you know that's not going to happen. I will continue to be a lazy toad and not do a thing and then in 6 months from now, I'll write another blog entry about this exact same topic.

So in conclusion, do what you can and enjoy what memories you make today! You never know when they will be repeated. p

1 comment:

  1. What about "I'll never shop at Walmart" Phase? Or the "Dont make me look at your kid's pictures again" Phase???

    We survived it all!
